WHat's next.
Everyone has next steps in their faith. Committing to this church formally can be your next step.
Church membership is about belonging to Jesus and, therefore, to one another. Membership is about promising to live like we belong to both Jesus and one another. And membership is about blessing—the church, the world, even yourself—as we pray, go, give, and serve together for the glory of God.
We are so glad that you have been attending our church. We hope that we have made you feel like family. Now that you have been attending our church for sometime, we would love for you to officially commit to us in becoming an official member of our church.
In order to serve in ministry at our church, you need to go through our Covenant Membership class. This class will teach you about theology, doctrine, and Christian living. Everyone should be a member of a bible teaching church. In becoming a church member you are joining the mission and vision of the church, while choosing to love and serve others and being discipled by the leadership.
We want you to be an effective member of the body of Christ and reach your potential in God's calling for your life. If you would like to attend our membership class, please feel out the form below and come to class every Wednesday at 5:30.
Sign up for our membership class.
Below are some frequently asked questions about church membership.
What is church membership?
Membership is a covenant between committed people and the leadership of The Reborn Church of Phoenix. The weight of entering into a covenant may be diminished in our culture where promises are made casually and broken vows are the norm. But we use the language intentionally to communicate that membership is to be entered into with sobriety and commitment. This commitment goes two ways. Should you choose to become a member you are acknowledging that you desire to be held to a higher degree of responsibility by church leadership. In choosing to become a member, you are also receiving the promise of counsel, service, aid, prayer, teaching, and guidance from the leadership. It is an informed commitment to the doctrine and vision of The Reborn Church of Phoenix, a willing submission to the leadership of the church, and an intentional embrace of your role in the body of Christ and the mission of the church.
Why is commitment important?
No one will ever grow in the church if they leave as soon as things get hard. Reborn Church is committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ who live out the implications of the gospel rather than just giving it lip service. This means that we strive to help you grow in maturity and holiness. This means that sometimes you will be challenged by things you hear from the pulpit or from across a table. Sometimes you will be called to step outside of your comfort zone. Sometimes decisions will be made that don’t align with your preferences. You will, inevitably, experience conflict. Your first inclination may be to bail as soon as you get uncomfortable. Past experience may tell you that the slightest conflict equals the end of relationship. If all you are doing is dating the church, without investment or commitment, you may be tempted to simply move on as soon as the initial fondness starts to fade. After all, there’s another church down the road. Yet growth happens when we stay true to our commitment, address sin and conflict, and allow ourselves to be challenged and stretched. That’s where sanctification happens. That’s were disciples are made. That’s also where real joy is found.
How does membership impact the church?
The local church is called to be a gospel-centered, intentional community with a mission and purpose. This call to be on mission is not limited to pastors and church staff. All believers have a part to play. In fact, scripture tells us that leaders within the church are called to “equip the saints – believers - for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God…” (Eph. 4:12-13) Essentially, we are called to function as one body, made up of many members, with Jesus Christ as our head, working together to grow into maturity (1 Cor. 12:12-31). When all believers – not just church staff – embrace the importance of their role in the church community the body of Christ is able to function with all of the faculties it is supplied with. And when each part is working properly, the body grows into health and strength. (Eph. 4:16) This means that while we affirm people’s freedom to engage in the local church at their own pace, we feel compelled to challenge believers to become active, committed participants rather than remaining passive observers and consumers. Their intentional participation in the local body of Christ is simply too important for their own health and the health of the body.
But if all Christians are already “members” of the body of Christ, then isn’t local church “membership” unnecessary and unbiblical?
It is important to realize that the body analogy in Scripture has both a global and a local meaning. In Ephesians, Christians are described as global members of the body of Christ, where Jesus is the “head.” But 1 Corinthians 12 talks about Christians as local members of the body of Christ, where the body is made up of eyes, ears, hands, and feet. The principle of church Membership is found in a number of ways in the Scriptures:
Throughout Old Testament history, God made a clear distinction between his people and the world (see Lev. 13:46, Num. 5:3, Deut. 7:3).
The Israelites repeatedly entered into formal covenant with each other and with God, sometimes putting it in writing, though they already had the assurance that they were God’s chosen people (Neh. 9:38-10:39, 2 Kings 11:17; 23:1-3, 2 Chron. 34:29-32).
Christ says that entering the kingdom of God means being bound to the church “on earth” (Matt. 16:16-19; 18:17-19). Where do we see the church on earth? The local church.
The New Testament explicitly refers to some people being inside the local church and some people being outside (1 Cor. 5:12-13).
The church in Corinth consisted of a definite number of believers, such that Paul could speak of a punishment inflicted by the majority (2 Cor. 2:6).